
New updates and improvements to Replug

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🚀Bulk Link Import Is Here!

New Feature

We are happy to announce the bulk import feature that will help you process and shorten your links in bulk.

login to your Replug account and navigate to Replug links --> Bulk Import from the top menu. Here you can upload your URL CSV file and process your links for shortening.🔗A file format template is also provided for your reference.

Bulk Import Real-Time Processing

  • The Bulk Import feature is structured to accommodate up to 100 URLs processing and shortening in real-time.
  • You can also modify the duplicate and invalid slugs in real-time.
  • Real-time-processing-Bulk-link

    Process Bulk Link in the Background 🚀

    Save time by processing up to 50,000 links in the background while you are performing other tasks.🤩

    Here are the bulk actions that are allowed to be processed on these links.

    ✅ Assign new slugs in case of invalid slugs.

    ✅ Assign a new slug in case of a duplicate slug.

    ✅ Links with an iframe issue will be notified through an email in case of CTA or third-party campaigns.
